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When The Hiding Place Is The Right Place

A few months ago I was reading something during my quiet time that I’ve been mulling over for a while.

In John chapter 7 as Jesus was on His way to Galilee, His brothers told him “Leave this place and go to Judea, so that your followers will see the things that you are doing. No one hides what he is doing if he wants to be well known. Since you are doing these things, let the whole world know about you!” (Not even his brothers believed in him.) Jesus said to them, “The right time for me has not yet come….” John 7:3-6a GNB

No one hides what he is doing if he wants to be well known.


But Jesus hid.


Because it wasn’t time to show Himself.  

Many times when you have gifts or talents to share with the world, we (or at least I) can feel this undue pressure at times that we need to be doing more to make ourselves visible.  And that has its place.

However, after reading this I’ve been asking the Lord to help me be more intentional about following His example.

Jesus was strategic.

He wasn’t pressured into moving prematurely just to prove a point or show what He could do to the world.

I think we should also be careful that we not allow the voices of those around us (even those that mean well) cause us to take steps outside of God’s timing. It could be detrimental.  (vs. 1)

I encourage you to take purposeful steps so that you are in the place where God wants you to be. This will take restraint because we may be presented with “good” opportunities to show ourselves. But we have to make sure the timing is right (vs 6).

If this is the season you find yourself in, do your best to take heed to voice of the Holy Spirit, staying committed to where you are, even if it means no one will see you.

Sometimes the hiding place is the right place.

What y’all think?

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  1. I agree. Sometimes it’s hard to understand and we have to realize God’s ways are not our ways. Remembering, what He sees and not the world is most important!

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