Welcome to the narrow way with Lekeisha Maldon

Equipping women to live transformed lives through the transforming power of Christ.

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Looking for ways to enhance your quiet time and deepen your connection with God?

hello there…

there are many roads to choose, but only one leads to life.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14



I create written works that inspire and uplift the heart, leaving readers with a sense of hope and renewed perspective.



I inspire people to connect with their faith and take meaningful steps in their lives by sharing the powerful words of the Bible.


Biblical Counselor

I assist individuals in navigating life’s challenges with unwavering empathy, exceptional care, and a focus on faith.

Read the Blog!

From my heart to yours. Get encouragement for your soul through these short inspirational messages.

Meet Lekeisha

Inspiring women to live transformed lives through the transforming power of Christ.

Just a girl, saved by grace. Lekeisha knows that when you allow God into your life He is willing to do the same for you! Whether it is through, writing, speaking, hosting seminars, or just the witness of her everyday life, her goal is to light a spark in others that brings glory to our King!

My prayer is that my messages will encourage you. That my transparency reminds you that you are not alone in your struggles. And more than anything your relationship with Christ grows even stronger.